FAQ - Data Extraction Reports

What is a Data Extraction Report?

A data extraction report draws records off the Dogs Australia national pedigree database for the purpose of pedigree research of assistance to breeders or breed clubs.

All reports are breed specific and can be generated by all registrations on the database, in a membership, for a specific period of time or specific state. Data extraction reports cannot be compiled for titles over multiple breeds.  

The information provided is subject to copyright and no part should be reproduced, adapted or communicated without the consent of Dogs Australia.

How long does this take?

This depends on the breed, specified date period and/or state. If it is a popular breed, it can take longer as there can be in excess of 100,000 records that have to be extracted from the database and all personal information needs to be removed.  It is also good to keep in mind that if there is a request for a report with this many records this may cause a delay to other data extraction requests.

Who is this available to?

Any Dogs Victoria member is able to apply for this report.

How do I request a report?

The required form is located on the Dogs Australia website and can be accessed here

What is the cost?

Applications require a 'quotation fee' (currently $85 and non-refundable) be paid at the time of application. 

The member will be provided with a total cost that is dependent on the total number of records, and if they choose to go ahead, the quotation fee will be deducted from the total.
