Becoming an Agility Judge

How to Become an Agility Judge

Before you become an agility judge, you must have sufficient knowledge and experience of agility so that you are able to judge fairly and accurately.

Most trainees will have already competed in agility for several years and will have assisted as ring managers or on agility club committees, with the running or organisation of agility trials.

This provides the prospective judge with vital experience and knowledge of all the elements of running an agility class safely and efficiently.

Applications to Join Judges Training Scheme

Click HERE for the application to join judges training scheme

Click HERE for the written exam application

Click HERE for the practical assessment application


Eligibility to Become an Agility/Jumping Judge

  • The applicant must be at least 18 years of age
  • Must have trained and trialled a dog to an agility dog (AD) title and one pass towards an agility dog excellent (ADX) title
  • Been a member of a Dogs Australia State Member Body for a minimum of three years

A trainee will be required to educate themselves to examination standards by studying the Dogs Australia Agility Rules, Agility Judges Guidelines, attend the appropriate lectures or studying available course material. A trainee will also be required to attend any practical training sessions, complete course design exercises and acquire ring experience. You should also study available books and videos on course design and agility judging. 


Qualifications to Apply to Become an Agility/Jumping Judge 

  • Must be a trainee agility/jumping judge
  • Must have trained and trialled a dog to an agility dog (AD) title and one pass towards an agility dog excellent (ADX) title
  • The Agility Committee must certify that the applicant has:
    • Completed the relevant course design exercises, and any other specified works in the 18 month period prior to their licence application
    • Undertaken the specified practical training in a 12 month period prior to their licence application
    • Passed a practical examination in the three months preceding their licence application
    • Passed a written examination on the Dogs Australia Agility Rules, Agility Judges Guidelines, and Dogs Victoria Regulations current at the time of their practical examination and within a two-year period preceding that practical examination
    • Or, due to prior relevant experience, received exemptions for any of the above
  • On being granted a licence as an agility/jumping judge the judge is required to submit all courses to the agility subcommittee four weeks prior to all judging appointments for comment and amendment until notified otherwise


  • Event - Any of the discipline covered under the Dogs Australia Agility Rules i.e. agility, jumping, games etc.
  • Class - Novice /Open/Master and any other level of competition within an event
  • Agility – Includes events as described in the Dogs Australia Rules unless specified otherwise
  • Trainee Agility Judge - A member who has been accepted as a trainee judge for any or all agility events
  • Agility Judge – An agility judge licenced to judge any or all agility events


Want to know more?

For more information on how you can become a Dogs Victoria Agility Judge contact the chairperson of the Agility Committee.

Please click on the following link for more information about the sport of Agility.
