Our team

Sub Committees

Subcommittees comprise elected and/or appointed Dogs Victoria members and carry out specific functions on behalf of the Management Committee.  The expertise and specialisation of our subcommittees contributes enormously to our operations and governance.

To contact a particular committee please ring the chair as listed below or click the email link to send an email.

Unless otherwise noted, all committee members are appointed by management.

Management Committee (elected)
Peter Frost

Agility Committee (elected)
View Committee Charter

Sandra Stockman (chair)
0425 762 434

Committee members: Tegan Smith, Stephen Pearson, Jessammy McKinnon, Caroline Bentley

Appeals Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Breeder Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Vacant (chair)

Committee members: Vacant

Bulla Amenities Show Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Jarrod Tyler (chair)
0498 290 585

Committee members: Julia Jones (Deputy Chair), Dr Linda Beer, Greg Browne, John Hutchison, Wendy Hutchison, Lynne King, Robyn Wallis, Kris Willingham, Ashlee Houlden, Dom Mastroianni

Bulla Facilities Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Keith Fallow (chair)
0428 998 715

Committee members: Michael Looby (deputy chair), Peter Frost, Colin Hamilton, Adrian Tilley, Margaret Barras, Alan McVilly, Sue Hutcheson, Michael Wilkinson

Calendar & Events Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Jason Moore (chair)
0409 112 833

Committee members: Dale Taylor (performance), David Barclay (KCC Park facilities), Keith Fallow (Bulla facilities)

Canine Health & Wellbeing Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Glenda Forster (chair)
0405 494 374 

Committee members: Felix Kaesler, Dr Roger Lavelle, Linda Dempsey, Jan Irving

Classic Dog Show Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Andrew Burt (chair)
0419 545 938

Committee members: Cathy Scotton (deputy chair), Jan Cooke (secretary), Wendy Tosh (treasurer), John Davis, Eunice Warner, Maureen Gostelow, Liz Harding, Max Morris, Anthony Price, Kay Sneath, Felix Lay, Tracey Coyle, Helen Chen, Rebecca Butler, Brendan Bourke, Jonathan Bam, Joel Wallis

Conformation Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Julia Jones (chair)
0458 289 191

Committee members: Esther Joseph (deputy chair), Pauline Grutzner, Colin Hamilton, Shellie Marshall, Suzanne Thomson, Craig Phillips, Robynne Spencer, Stephanie Rickard, Jason Moore

Conformation Judges Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Cathy Camac (chair)
0415 990 422

Committee members: Esther Joseph (deputy chair), Jacqui Weekes, Glenys Alexander, Stephanie Rickard, Judy Oliver, Barbara Doyle, Julie Keenan, Shellie Marshall, Andrew Burt

Constitution, Rules & Regulations Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Peter Howard
0403 188 823

Committee members: Rochelle Manderson, Debbie Parker

Dances With Dogs & Trick Dog Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Sue Cordwell (chair) (Dogs Aust State Rep)
0400 940 019

Committee members: Sue Murray, Mira Tomasello, Rochelle Manderson, Pam Child, Lina Morgante

Disciplinary  Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Ross Carlson (Chair)

Draft Test Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Vacant (chair)

Committee members: 
Anne Hansen, Emily Durant, Sue Hamilton, Sheridan Holmes (Dogs Aust State Rep)

Earthdog Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Jan Cooke (chair)
9850 1495

Committee members: Jennifer Buller, Jane Harvey, Elsa Hoggard (Dogs Aust State Rep), Janice James, Clare Stainsby

Education Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Christina & Lisa are co-chairs

Lisa Woolley
0409 135 745

Christina Ramsauer-John 
0438 845 039

Finance Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

John Hutchison (chair)
9740 0803

Committee members: Peter Frost, Jan Robinson, Chris Moore, Suzanne Hutcheson

Friends of the Park Show Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Chris Moore (chair) 
0428 983 703 

Committee members: David Barclay (deputy chair), Chris Warren, Maureen Gostelow, Raelene Trimble, David Lassam, Leanne Trenwith

Herding Committee (elected)
View Committee Charter

Alexa McGauran (chair)
0418 357 917

Committee members: Alyson Mills, Pia Butcher, Kate Dourley (Dogs Aust State Rep), Garry Roberts, Jane Butcher 

Investigations Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Adam Druce (Chair)

KCC Park Facilities Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Chris Moore (chair) 
0428 983 703

Committee members: David Barclay (deputy chair), Chris Warren, Maureen Gostelow, David Lassam, Raelene Trimble, Leanne Trenwith

Legislation Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Jan Robinson (chair)
0418 430 775

Committee members: Kylie Gilbert, Pauline Grutzner, Julie Wills

Library Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Clare Hodges (chair)
5998 7493

Committee members: Jill Rossetter, Leanne Trenwith, Maureen Day, Jenni Staniforth (External Helper)

Life Membership Approval Panel (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Roger Bridgford (chair)
9874 5432

Committee members: Peter Frost (deputy chair / secretary), John Thompson, Merilyn Syme OAM, Rhonda Tosh, Ray Ashman

Litigation Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Jan Robinson (chair)
0418 430 775

Committee members: Darren Bowey, Peter Frost

Lure Coursing Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Tina Button
0409 215 222

Committee members: Felix Kaesler, Chantal Parratt, Marcus Mellick, Sharne Quinn

Media Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Vacant (chair)

Committee members: Vacant

Mediation Panel (appointed)
View Committee Charter

New Years Show Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Dale Taylor (chair)
0418 143 418

Committee members: Katrina Coulson, Charlotte Taylor, Karen Taylor, Nadene Douglas

Night of Nights Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Vacant (chair)

Committee members: Vacant

Obedience, Tracking & Endurance Committee - OTEC (elected)
View Committee Charter

Lynn Klecka (chair) (Dogs Aust State Rep)
0418 333 312

Committee members: Amy Butler (deputy chair), Dawn Howard, Susanna Crankshaw, Lea Cogley, Denise Chrystal, Melissa Ferabend 

Open Show Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Pauline Grutzner (chair)
0419 513 201

Committee members: Kim Burke (secretary), Chris Johns, Julia Jones, Gerald Munro, Judy Oliver, Dianne Shackleford, Colleen Stoate, Barbara Doyle, John Doyle, Stephanie Rickard, Karen Hollingworth

Public Events Committee (appointed)
Charter coming soon

Erica Hunter (chair)
03 9788 2508 

Committee members: Vacant

Retrieving and Field Trial Committee - RAFT (elected)
View Committee Charter

Tony Palmer (chair)
0401 996 518

Committee members: Kate Eltringham, Diane McCann, Greg Playdon, Alex Hill, Kathy Oliver, Dave Blacker, Russell Thomas

Roving Show Committee (appointed)

Arthur Wilson (chair)
0459 214 848

Committee members: Beverley Wilson, Rhonda Shearer

Scent Work Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Judy Pillinger (chair) (Dogs Aust State Rep)
0427 323 667

Committee members: Dawn Howard, Angela Hervey-Tennyson, Talia Duell, Sonja Needs, Kerry Macklin, Eileen Slabon, Julie Conroy, Heather Raditsis

Sled Sports Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Ian Luke (chair)
0497 377 128

Committee members: Courtney Persson (deputy chair), Don Campbell, Madeline Kiel (Dogs Aust State Rep), Sandy Koch, Merv Turner, Ralph Koch, Vanessa Joy

SprintDog Committee (appointed)
Charter coming soon

Rebecca Sloan (chair)
0417 529 689

Committee members: Tina Button, Nerida Stephen

Summer Spectacular Show Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Peter Frost (chair)
0409 966 759

Committee members: Dawn Ayton, Jonathan Bam, Julie Cartledge, Michael Hayes, Janet Davidson 

Therapy Dogs Committee (appointed)
View Committee Charter

Nicola Abell (chair)
0468 999 610 

Committee members: Robyn Ross (secretary), Merilyn Syme OAM, Sharyn Thompson, Jennifer Wilms, Louise McFarland
