Scent Work


Looking for something fun to do with your dog, that can be done in any weather, anywhere, and doesn't need any expensive equipment?

Scent Work is the ideal sport for dogs of all ages and abilities.

The sport of scent work is based on the task of working detection dogs to locate an odour and communicate to their  handler that the odour has been found. Detection is done in a variety of environments and often during changing weather or environmental conditions.

Scent Work is a positive, challenging activity that allows dogs of all ages the opportunity to use their strongest natural sense in a way that is fun, engaging, and builds and strengthens a foundation of trust between the handler and dog.

Dogs are trained to recognise specific odours, and to alert their handlers when the odours are detected. Dogs may paw, bark, point with their nose or body, sit, lie down, or use any other non-destructive behaviour to communicate the location of the odour. Handlers take their dogs through a search area which may be set up in a variety of environments (interior, exterior, containers and vehicles).

The dog and handler must work together as a team. The handler is part of the team, using body language and verbal encouragement to ensure all sections of the search area are covered, directing the dog’s search only when necessary and indicating to the judge when the dog has found the odour. Communication with and praise of the dog during the search are encouraged.


Scent Work Trials

The scheduling of any Scent Work trial shall be subject to the approval of the relevant member body. An Affiliate conducting a Scent Work trial may offer some or all of the elements within the titling classes listed in ANKC Scent Work Rule 6.1 below.

6.1 Titling Classes
The following titling classes are available: 

Scent Work - Class and Element
(a) Novice: For dogs that have not gained the Qualifying Certificates necessary for the Scent Work Novice title or have not gained two (2) Qualifying Certificates in the Novice Class for an Element as part of qualifying towards the relevant Scent Work Element title. Dogs obtaining two (2) Qualifying Certificates in the Novice Class for any Element are no longer eligible to compete in that Novice Element and must move up to the Advanced Class for that Element.
(b) Advanced: For dogs that have qualified for the Scent Work Novice title or have gained two (2) Qualifying Certificates in the Novice Class for an Element as part of qualifying towards the relevant Scent Work Element title. Dogs obtaining three (3) Qualifying Certificates in the Advanced Class for any Element are no longer eligible to compete in that Advanced Element and must move up to the Excellent Class for that Element.
(c) Excellent: For dogs that have qualified for the Scent Work Advanced title or have gained three (3) Qualifying Certificates in the Advanced Class for an Element as part of qualifying towards the relevant Scent Work Element title. Dogs gaining three (3) Qualifying Certificates in the Excellent Class for any Element may continue to compete in that Element and/or may move up to the Master Class.
(d) Master: For dogs that have qualified for the Scent Work Excellent title or have gained three (3) Qualifying Certificates in the Excellent Class for an Element as part of qualifying towards the relevant Scent Work Element title. Dogs gaining three (3) Qualifying Certificates in the Master Class for any Element may continue to compete in that Element.
(e) Ultimate: For dogs that have qualified for the Scent Work Master Class title or two (2) Element titles (that is, two of either SWC and/or SWI and/or SWX and/or SWV). Dogs gaining their SWU title may continue to compete in the Ultimate Class.

6.2 Progression through titling classes
6.2.1 Dogs may progress through Elements at different speeds (for example, a dog may compete in Novice Interior and Advanced Containers at the same trial).
6.2.2 A dog which has completed two (2) Qualifying Certificates in any Element in the Novice Class or three (3) Qualifying Certificates in any Element in the Advanced Class may not compete further in that Element in that Class unless the final qualification was gained after the closing date of entries for the trial. Upgrade to the next Class (if available at 13 the trial) may be allowed at the discretion of the Trial Secretary.
6.2.3 A dog that is eligible to compete in the Excellent, Master or Ultimate Class may continue to do so in these Classes, regardless of whether they have gained titles in those Classes or not.
6.2.4 At the discretion of the Affiliate’s Trial Secretary, a handler who completes the necessary Qualifying Certificates for a title and has applied to the member body for that title after the closing date for a trial, may request and be transferred to the next higher Class.
6.2.5 Dogs can pursue both their Scent Work Class and Scent Work Element titles at the same time. That is, Qualifying Certificates gained towards Scent Work Class titles can be counted towards the dog qualifying for Scent Work Element titles and vice versa.

7.1 Eligibility of exhibits Scent Work trials are open to dogs that are: (a) registered with the relevant member body; and (b) 6 months of age or over on the first day of a sanctioned event which includes a Scent Work trial.

Extract from the Dogs Australia Scent Work Rules
(4. It is at the discretion of the Affiliate conducting the event whether some or all Divisions, Elements and Classes are offered at any trial.)

Extract from the Dogs Victoria Regulations regarding Scent Work effective 15 October 2021

Scent Work Judges

Interested in becoming a Scent Work trainee judge? Click here to view the eligibility criteria

Expressions of Interest Open for Scent Work Trainee Judges - Applicatons close 16 December 2024.
For more information Click here to view the eligibility criteria.

