Date of Hearing |
Member Name |
Membership Number |
Charge |
Penalty |
08/02/2024 |
Mrs Teresa Vaughan |
3100014650 | Breach VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.21;; 20.1.25;; |
12 months suspension from 08/02/2024 + $500 fine, Fine to be paid in full within one calendar month from 08/02/2024. Regulation 5.6.5 applies - Where a fine payable within a specified period has been imposed on a member by a Disciplinary Hearing and the fine has not been paid within the specified period, the member's membership shall be suspended until such time as the fine is paid |
12/02/2024 | Mrs Marlene McKinney | 3100048299 | VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.15 | Three (3) month suspension from 12/02/2024 + $500 fine. Fine Paid. |
19/03/2024 | Ms Emma McDonald | 3100057565 |
VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Regulations, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.15; |
12 months suspension - From 19 March 2024 till 19 March 2025 +$500 fine Invoice be paid within one month. If not, an extension of 6 months' suspension will be required. Fine paid 26/03/2024. |
27/03/2024 | Mr Ferdi Muaremov | 3100036492 | VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.12 | 12-month suspension effective 26/03/2024 + $500 fine. |
20/06/2024 | Mrs Rhonda Dearnaley | 3003007940 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, DA Regulations Part 5 – 2.1.1, DA Regulations Part 5 – 2.3.4, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.1 |
Suspended for the duration of 6 months - from 20 June 2024 to 20 December 2024 + $250 fine |
8/07/2024 | Ms Yvonne Ross | 3009925520 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.3, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.30 |
Good behaviour for a period of twelve months commencing 8 July 2024. The penalty will be discharged after 12 months provided the Respondent continues to be of good behaviour during that period. In the event that the Respondent breaches this order within 12 months by committing any further contravention(s), the Respondent will be brought back before this same Disciplinary Committee and an appropriate sanction will then be issued for contraventions of the charges. |
9/07/2024 | Mr Rhodes Moore | 3100051223 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Regulation 4.4.4, VCA CoP 20.1.21 VCA CoP, VCA CoP 20.1.25, VCA CoP |
18 months suspension of the respondent’s membership, but the suspension is reduced to 6 months if the respondent pays the complainant $5,000 (a refund of the $3,500 purchase price plus $1,500 in reasonable veterinary costs) within 10 working days starting 10 July 2024 and the respondent proves to both the DV office and the complainant that the respondent has paid this amount to the complainant in full within this timeframe. |
15/07/2024 | Mr Bryan & Mrs Fiona Oliver | 3100041872 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.1, VCA CoP 20.1.11 |
Good behaviour for a period of 12 months from 15/07/2024. The period of good behaviour will be discharged after 12 months on the specific condition that:
18/07/2024 | Miss Belinda Bonello | 3100056536 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP, VCA CoP 20.1.21 |
A suspension for the duration of six (6) months and a $500.00 fine. |
22/07/2024 | Ms Linda Bruno | 3008515000 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.4, VCA CoP |
A suspension for the duration of six (6) months and a $500.00 fine. |
1/08/2024 | Mr Rhodes Moore | 3100051223 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.15 |
$500.00 fine. |
29/08/2024 | Miss Olivia Hunnam | 3100058270 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.12 |
$500 Fine. Fine Paid. |
28/10/2024 | Mrs Leanne Trotter | 3100006917 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Conduct 20.7 | A wholly suspended sentence for a period of 12 months. |
30/10/2024 | Dr Sandy Adsett | 3100070606 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.2, VCA CoP 20.1.3, VCA Code of Conduct 20.7 |
Under regulation, suspended for four (4) months from 31/10/2024. |
31/10/2024 | Mrs Gwenda Carr | 3100053204 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.11.2 | Admin Suspension - Failing to respond for Pedigree Demand. |
21/10/2024 | Mr Damien Barnes | 3100038391 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP | $500 Fine. Fine Paid. |
29/10/2024 | Mrs Raquel Wright | 3100029017 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.12, VCA Code of Practice 20.8.2, VCA Code of Practice 20.8.5 |
The single penalty imposed after finding each of the four (4) charges proven is:
Appeal Hearing: 9 November 2024 – Appeal dismissed, penalty upheld. |
11/11/2024 | Mr Rhodes Moore | 3100051223 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.15 | - All dogs under this membership who currently meet the requirement of as of 11/11/2024 will not be eligible for transfer to any other owner until proof of desexing has been provided. - This membership is terminated effective 12/11/2024. – Not eligible to apply for a new membership for a period of 10 years from 12/11/2024. - The prefix ALPHAFORCE is not able to be transferred to any other member and should be marked never to be transferred. 5.6.2 and 5.6.4 is also applied. |
14/11/2024 | Ms Kimberley McCallum | 3100055495 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.15 | - A fine of $500 - The respondent is to undergo the breeder prefix examination within the next three months (from 15/11/24). - If the respondent does not complete a new breeders prefix exam within 3 months, her membership will be disqualified for a period of 6 months (effective from 15/02/2025 to 15/08/2025). Her membership will not be reinstated until she completes a new breeder prefix examination. This will require MC approval for reinstatement. |
19/11/2024 | Mrs Tina Depietro | 3100035794 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.15 |
Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.15 |
20/11/2024 | Ms Astrid & Mr Graeme Little | 3100057621 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.12 |
$500 Fine. Fine Paid. |
25/11/2024 | Mr John Lopiccolo | 3100061930 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Regulation 4.2.2, VCA Regulation 4.6.6, VCA CoP 20.1.1, VCA CoP | - 12 months suspension from 26/11/24 - $500 fine payable within 1 month from 26/11/24. - If the respondent fails to pay the fine within 1 month, an additional 3 month suspension to the original 12 month suspension (totalling 15 months from 26/11/24) will apply and the membership will be suspended beyond this point, if necessary, until the fine is paid. |
28/11/2024 | Mrs Melissa Frosche | 3100048114 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice | - $500 payable within 1 month from 29/11/24 - suspension of membership for 6mths from 29/11/24 - The respondent is ordered to refund the purchase price of $5,000 AUD within three months from 29/11/24 to the complainant. An additional $3,000 towards health testing and flights and $2,000 towards ongoing medical costs is also ordered to be paid to the complainant within six months from 29/11/24. Failure to complete payment in full within six months of 29/11/24 will result in the respondent’s suspension being extended until such time as the payment is made. |
4/12/2024 | Mrs Mohaddeseh Aynechi Tafresh Fard & Mr Mostafa Seyed Reza Doulabi | 3100058866 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.15, VCA Regulation 4.2.2 | Under Regulation and effective from Wednesday 4 December 2024, the Respondents are disqualified from membership of the VCA (Dogs Victoria) for a period of three (3) years. |
3/01/2025 | Ms Xi Tan | 3100050575 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA CoP 20.1.12 |
$500 Fine. Fine Paid. 6 month suspension from 3/02/2025. |
29/01/2025 | Mr Keith Magnussen | 3100040551 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Regulation 4.4.6, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.1, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.2, VCA Code of Practice | - The membership is terminated and the member expelled from Dogs Victoria permanently. - The respondent’s wife will also be denied membership for a period of 10 years from 30/01/2025. |
3/02/2025 | Mr Colin MacLeod | 3008593530 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Regulation |
12-month Good Behaviour Bond from 3/02/2025 |
7/02/2025 | Mrs Joanne Ball | 3100002608 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.2 | - The respondent is placed on good behaviour for a period of six months from 08/02/2025, at which point if there have been no further breaches, there will be no penalty. If further breaches occur within this period, the respondent will be brought before the same panel for deliberation of penalty. |
12/02/2025 | Ms Yvonne Ross | 3009925520 | Breach of VCA Rule 2.17, VCA Regulation 7.11.24, VCA Code of Practice 20.1.2, VCA Code of Conduct 20.7 |
a. Under Regulation and commencing on 12 February 2025, the Respondent is suspended from judging or taking part in or having any connection with any exhibition of dogs held under VCA Rules and Regulations for a period of six months. b. Under Regulation, the Respondent is required to issue (by providing through DV Compliance) formal written letters of apology to named DV members for yelling in a disrespectful way and hindering a VCA Rep from carrying out their role. c. In the event that the Respondent fails or refuses to issue a formal written letter of apology to either of the DV members named, the Respondent will be further suspended from judging or taking part in or having any connection with any exhibition of dogs held under VCA Rules and Regulations until the Respondent issues a formal written letter of apology to each DV member. |