Obedience, Tracking and Endurance (OTEC)

Trainee Judges Forms

Judges - OTEC application for new licence / application to join judges training scheme (Updated 4/11/2024)
Judges - OTEC Judges Trainee Logbook (Updated 25/09/2023)
Judges - OTEC application for judges written examination (Updated 4/11/2024)
Judges - OTEC application for judges practical examination (Updated 4/11/2024)

Judges - OTEC Obedience Judges Training Scheme 2024/2025
Judges - TEC Obedience Judges Assessment Sheet (Updated 2021)
Judges - Community Companion Dog Class Obedience Trial PDF DOC (Updated 01/01/2021)
Judges - Novice Class Obedience Trial PDF DOC (Updated 01/01/2021)
Judges - Open Class Obedience Trial PDF DOC (Updated 01/01/2021)
Judges - Utility Dog Class Obedience Trial PDF  DOC (Updated 01/01/2021)
Judges - Utility Dog Excellent Class Obedience Trial PDF DOC (Updated 01/01/2021)

Judges - OTEC Rally judges training scheme 2024/2025
Judges - OTEC Rally Training Form (Updated 12/01/2022)
Judges - OTEC Rally Judges Assessment Sheet (Updated 12/01/2022)
Judges - Dogs Australia Rally Judges Chart (Updated 01/01/2021)
Judges - Dogs Australia Rally Individual Score Sheet (Updated 01/01/2021)

Judges - OTEC Tracking judges training scheme 2024/2025
Judges - OTEC Tracking Training Form 
Judges - OTEC Tracking Judges Assessment Sheet

Judges - OTEC Track & Search judges training scheme 2024/2025
Judges - OTEC Track & Search Training Form
Judges - OTEC Track & Search Judges Sheet

Judges - Endurance Judging Sheets - EXCEL


Trainee judges are required to attend several lectures as part of their training.

Practical Training

Obedience trainees must do practical training over at least eight dogs in total, spread over the structured and unstructured workshop program.Tracking applicants must plot tracks and draw maps for at least four tracks and run through at least four dogs.

Structured Obedience Workshops

One structured workshop must be attended


Written and practical assessments must be completed.

For more information contact the Judges Training Coordinator:

Mrs Dawn Howard
t: 0412 088 055

Obedience & Rally Rule Review

Dogs Victoria/OTEC submission received for Obedience From Victorian members

Dogs Victoria/OTEC submission received for Rally From Victorian members

If there are any problems please contact Mrs Lynn Klecka at morningmystgoldens@gmail.com or
0418 333 313
