
The Role of the Steward

The role of a steward is to assist judges, exhibitors, club officials and other stewards. The ring steward is the judge’s direct assistant and all judging rings must have a ring steward, desirably with an assembly steward assisting. It is an important role, and the steward should perform it in a manner that is ethical, diligent, courteous, discreet and dignified. Download the show stewards guide

A Steward Must

  • Know the VCA Regulations pertaining to show procedures and stewards.
  • Assist and advise the judge when and if required or necessary.
  • Ascertain the ring procedure the judge will employ before judging starts so that he can advise exhibitors.
  • Develop a stewarding procedure, which will facilitate the processing of exhibits through the judging ring, and minimise the likelihood of errors.

A Steward Should

On the day of the fixture at which the steward is officiating:

  • Arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time
  • Ascertain the task for the day, including any special tasks
  • Ascertain which ring you are working in
  • Advise the show manager of any commitments, e.g. showing your own dog
  • Meet the judge; ensure that all signing is completed before proceeding to the ring; check that the iPad (tablet) all books, ribbons, trophies etc. are on hand
  • Meet the other members of the team and if necessary, introduce them to the judge
  • On the completion of the task, ensure all paperwork, including any reports required by regulations, is completed and handed to the show manager or secretary
  • The role of the steward can be personally rewarding and carries with it the acknowledgment and respect of other participants. 

A Guideline for Clubs - Show Manager, Steward and Ticket Writer's Remuneration

The level of payment is ultimately up to the individual clubs. To assist committees in determining the level of remuneration we offer the following guidelines:

  1. For a show with entries under 400 a fee of $30 for stewards and ticket writers is suggested.
  2. For shows with 401 and over entries, a fee of $50 is suggested.
  3. For show managers a fee of between $100-$150 is suggested.
  4. A VCA representative would normally receive the same fee as a steward.

 Remember, this is a guideline only and it is a club decision based on how much the club can afford to pay.


A Guideline for Clubs - Show Managers, Stewards and Ticketwriters' remuneration

Download a list of Dogs Victoria Stewards & Ticket Writers (amended 13/02/25)
This list includes stewards for:
  • Conformation
  • Agility
  • Obedience
  • Tracking
  • Retrieving
  • Field
