


Brief History
The Deerhound, aka the Royal Dog of Scotland, has been bred in the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland for hundreds of years to track and hunt the large red deer, and is a unique combination of speed and stamina.

Average Life Span
When considering a dog please realise that you are taking it on for its lifetime.

The average life span is 7 to 8 years but can be longer.

Gentle, friendly, quietly dignified, good tempered. Courageous hunter and gentle at home.

General Breed Description
The Deerhound resembles a large, rough coated greyhound, and is usually some shade of grey, but brindles and fawns may occasionally be seen. He is obedient and easy to train, but easily bored with repetition. Loyal, courageous and alert, Deerhounds like to be close to their human family and they become devoted to them and will feel rejected if banished to the yard.

A Deerhound should live happily with other household pets. However, since they were bred to chase game, the sight of a small animal running past may trigger an instinctive quick response to chase.

He is an active and athletic dog.

Coat and Care Requirements
The coat is quite thick, close-lying, harsh, wiry, and shaggy looking and requires moderate grooming. A good brush weekly is recommended and a bath as required. They are need plenty of exercise such as a long daily walk and regular opportunities to run, and a large fenced area to live in.

Height: Males 76cms (30ins), Females 71cm (28ins).

Weight: Males 45.5kgs, Females 36.5kgs.

All breeds have individual health issues. When speaking to breeders it is recommended you enquire about breed’s health and what health testing the breeder does. In general Deerhounds are healthy dogs, however health conditions do occur occasionally. They can suffer from bloat and torsion and may be prone to osteosarcoma. They are sensitive to anaesthetics.

Deerhounds are wonderful dogs for those who can accommodate their size, need for exercise, and quality food and care. Preferable owners do not spend long hours away from home on a regular basis.

In Conclusion
Now you know a little more about this breed. If you have decided this is the dog for you and wish to investigate further, please contact the Breed Club or Dogs Victoria. They will be able to give you information about available puppies and also suggest dog events where you can see the breed and speak to breeders. In this way you will gain a better perspective of the breed and its needs. With any breed of dog, it is important to research and determine suitability for your lifestyle before committing to a puppy which will be a part of your family for many years to come.

Whilst many breeds are recommended for families, it is imperative that when children are with dogs they are supervised at all times. Basic obedience training is a vital part of dog ownership.

Dogs Victoria is about the responsible ownership of all dogs and in particular the preservation of pure breeds.

Link to Dogs Australia Breed Standard 


