Government Legislation

Pet Exchange Register

In an attempt to stamp out illegal puppy farms, the Victorian Government introduced the Pet Exchange Register.

This register aims to provide ‘increased traceability’ and to make it ‘easier for prospective buyers to know that their pet has come from a valid source.’

Initially, a source number was only required if you were advertising your puppies or dogs for sale, but since the 1st July 2020, it is has been a requirement that the source number must be provided at the time of microchipping of the litter, so all Dogs Victoria Prefix holders who are actively breeding litters will need to have one.

All advertisements for puppies or kittens, adult dogs or cats, need to have both the animal's unique microchip number AND the source number listed.  This applies whether you are selling or giving them away.  

It is an offence if you do not provide these details in an advertisement, meaning both you and the place hosting or publishing the advertisement (such as an online provider or newspaper) can be fined if they are not displayed. 


Dogs Victoria has prepared a number of Fact Sheets to help explain the Pet Exchange Register.

If you are a breeder - Click Here

If you are looking to purchase a puppy - Click Here


Animal Welfare Victoria also has resources to help explain the Register
